How to Add an OpenID Connect Identity Provider (version 24)

By default, Canary uses Windows AD for user authentication; however, starting in v24, Canary also supports OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect. This gives end users alternate options for signing into Canary's application tools (Canary Admin, Axiom, and Excel Add-in) while supporting SSO. Below are some examples of supported OpenID Connect providers:

  • Azure/Entra ID
  • Microsoft AD Federation
  • Okta/Auth0
  • Google
  • Customer-Defined OAuth Providers

To add an OpenID Connect provider, the following steps can be taken. In this example, we are adding an Azure AD provider. Parameter names may vary depending on the provider.

  1. Open the Canary Admin and select the Identity tile.
  2. Click ADD in the OPENID CONNECT PROVIDERS section.

  3. Fill in the Provider Display Name, Provider URL, Client ID, and Client Secret as provided by the identity provider. The Provider Display Name does not need to match anything coming from the provider, but should be intuitive. In this example, we are just calling it Azure.

    Use the OpenID Connect metadata document URL for the Provider URL. Remove "/.well-known/openid-configuration" from the end of the URL.

    Use the Application ID for the Client ID.

    A new client secret should be created for the Identity service within the IDP. Use the Value for the Client Secret.

  4. Click ADD and apply changes.
  5. Add a Redirect URI to point the identity provider back to the Identity service on the Canary server (e.g https://canaryServerName:55353/oidc/callback/login/providerDisplayName)

  6. Click AUTHENTICATE. If the information is correct, the following message should appear:

  7. Navigate to the Messages tile and look for the following Info message at the top of the list. This will contain the claims that are needed to complete the OpenID Connect provider.

  8. Navigate back to the Identity tile and EDIT the newly created OpenID Connect provider.
  9. Fill in the User ID Claim, User Name Claim, and Group ID Claim using the information from the message then click APPLY.

Once configured, the user will see the available option when logging into the Canary Admin, Axiom, or the Excel Add-In.

If wishing to then disable Windows AD, uncheck the box 'Enable Active Directory' within the Identity tile>Configuration>Providers screen.

7 replies

    • damon_vinciguerra.1
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

     I'm on step 6, connecting to Entra. When it opens up the Microsoft login page and I connect, do I as a user need any specific permissions in Entra?

      • smason
      • 1 mth ago
      • Reported - view

      You have to use an account which has been given permission to the Entra application.

      • damon_vinciguerra.1
      • 1 mth ago
      • Reported - view

       I'm not sure I follow you. Are you saying I have to be added to the Owner tab of the App Registration?

      • smason
      • 1 mth ago
      • Reported - view

      I don't believe so. I think you can just use your Entra username/email address.

    • damon_vinciguerra.1
    • 1 mth ago
    • Reported - view

    I'm making progress on connecting my Canary to Entra ID. One note, the documented Redirect URI above looks a bit out of date. We had to use https://<host>:55353/oidc/callback/login/entra-id to make it work.

      • smason
      • 6 days ago
      • Reported - view

      I don't think Step 5 was clear enough. I was using /azure because that is what I named my OpenID provider. I imagine you used Entra-ID for your Provider Display Name. I updated it so hopefully it makes more sense. The two highlighted portions will vary depending on the system.

      • damon_vinciguerra.1
      • 6 days ago
      • Reported - view

       Ohhh, I didn't realize that portion of the URL was tied to the configured display name of the provider. I assumed it was tied to the technology behind the provider. I think your changes help clarify. Thanks!