Modbus & PLC Data Collection

It would be a huge benefit to be able to have a separate .json config file for each Modbus or PLC source of data (individual devices).  At the moment a node must have all devices configured in one .json template.  This is troublesome because if one of the devices' tags or configuration needs to be edited, an interruption to the other devices in the .json file will be introduced.  I would imagine a separate config file and "session" for each device, much like there is a sender session for each OPC UA source or device.     

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  • Especially with Central Admin going away, we just ended up getting a Kepserver license and letting that do all of the work. It seems like the way things are headed. It makes sense. No real reason for Canary develop all their own collectors when there are so many inexpensive options out there for converting nearly anything to OPC.

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