How To Filter Asset Templates and Grids (version 21)

  • 2 yrs ago

Both asset templates and grids have a 'TemplateFilter' property that can be used to filter assets based on tag values, tag names, asset names, tag properties, and/or value qualities. In general, tag values must have a Good quality if using a filter based on a tag's value. Below are examples of the different filters that can be applied.



<, >, <=, >=, =, !=, <>    (!= and <> are both equivalent to "not equal to")

Any combination of the above expressions can be joined using &&, ||, and, or.

sortby [TagName]

Sort assets according to the specified tag in ascending order. If descending order is desired, the 'desc' string will need appended to the end of the filter.


top #

Return the first "x" number of assets. This is usually used in conjunction with the 'sortby' filter.


Filter on the asset name, in this case, any asset with 'Engine1' in its name.


Filter assets based on the property of a tag.

Quality([TagName])=Decimal quality code

Common decimal quality codes include: 192 (Good), 0 (Bad), 64 (Uncertain), 32768 (NoData).

 Quality filters should be applied first if using them in conjunction with other filters.

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