Variable content errased not registered in Canary

I am having a problem with text data type variables in which the content is deleted in the SCADA system (PCS7) and the new value (no value) is not registered in Canary but instead maintains the value before being deleted, as if no change had occurred.

Is there a problem with Canary behavior or this something that must be solved on the OPC Server?

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  • Hi any. berbes

    I'm not sure I completely follow what you're trying to do, but we rely on the OPC server for the timestamp, value, and quality. If that is not being sent to us, I'm not sure what we can do.

  • I'm trying to register data from a variable that sometimes have 'XXXXXX' and sometimes it has nothing, because content has been deleted by the SCADA system.

    I just confirmed that data  is sent from OPC Server, but an error occurs in the Sender: Error 0x200103F3 Value cannot be null. 

    It is possible to allow null values to be recorded?

    • any. berbes 

      Thanks for the information. According to the developer, the Historian cannot log a null value unless it has a Bad quality. He also doesn't think the OPC spec allows for it either. So if it is null, we would expect to have a Bad quality with it, otherwise, we throw the error.

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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