Documentation/Examples for OPC Data Transformation
We have an OPC DA Collector and an OPC UA Collector. Both are pointed to control systems that use digital states (i.e., 0 = off, 1 = on). In Canary, we'd like to store the string representation instead of the integer, so people don't have to remember. I see in the DA and UA documentation, it says you can use the Data Transformation property to do this. But there's almost now details on how to use. Does anyone have a good resource, or repository or examples, for learning to use Data Transformation on these 2 collectors?
Hi Damon Vinciguerra ,
Here is the documentation for OPC UA Collector regarding the various functions for the TRANSFORM column: isn't a specific example, but based upon your scenario, you would use:
I don't believe you can convert an integer to a string within the OPC DA Collector.