Calculations stuck in Backfilling

I have several calculations that are stuck in 'Backfilling' and never go to Live Mode. This obviously means calculations that depend on them can't start. I've tried stopping and restarting the calculations, the calculation service and the Canary server. I've also tried deleting the calculation and re-creating it. Nothing make any difference. Is there a fix for this?

3 replies

    • damon_vinciguerra.1
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    When they get stuck, does the SaF session for calculations stop writing to the historian? And you have to purge the session and restart Calculations? If so, then,  , this sounds very similar to case 9251 I have with Nicklaus.

    • alistair_frith
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Had a session with Canary. Calculated events were being held in the Store and Forward buffer. We purged the offending sessions, then we had to copy each calculation in turn, deleting the original, and rebuilding the target dataset and virtual views as required.

    It was a bit of a mess but it's all working now.

    • smason
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    In this particular instance data was getting stuck in the buffer when attempting to remove old data and backfill because the underlying data files had been deleted prior to backfilling. The SaF service was throwing this error:

    It was expecting there to be data to do its inserts for the backfill process. To get around this, we made a copy of the calculations which we could start from the original backfill time.

    There was a bug fix in the latest version (24.1.1) for a similar scenario which seems to have addressed this as well, at least based upon my testing.
    Store and Forward: Will block session when deleting range for tag that does not exist
    I'd recommend upgrading to this version.

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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