Application Grid Based on String in Tag Name

We've recently been using historical data to develop regression models of certain parameters.  Once we've developed those coefficients and intercepts, we combine them into an equation that produces a predicted value.  We add those equations to Canary as a calculation, compare the predicted value to the actual one, and configure a percent difference between the two.

I developed a Power BI dashboard to focus attention to values that are deviating from their predictions, regardless of their asset type.  I would like to mimic this in Axiom as well.

In Power BI, I can filter a visualization to only bring in tags that contain a certain string (in the example above, tags that end in _PCT_DIFF_PREDTAG, which is the suffix I use on all Canary calculation tags that calculate the difference between actual value and predicted value).  Is there a way to do the same thing in Axiom and, if not, could it be considered in a future release?



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