Transform numeric tag value into a description using a lookup
I feel like I've seen something like this somewhere but looking for a nudge in the right direction to save time..... We have a stop code tag that has a numeric value. We would like to display that as a stop description instead. For example:
Code Description
1 Yarn Break
34 Drive Fault
I was thinking maybe a adding a calculated tag in Canary for stop description based on code but I'm not sure.
2 replies
Hi James Wise ! You could build a calc. I would suggest using the Switch function in that case.
If you wanted to just do the transform in Axiom, you could use embedded "if" statements in the ValueTransform property of a Value Box. The syntax would look like this: if(value==1,'Yarn Break',if(value==34,'Drive Fault',value)). This will default to the tag's value if it doesn't match any of the comparisons.