
Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 2:00 PM - Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 10:00 PM UTC (UTC)
Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 9:00 AM - Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 5:00 PM CDT (Central Daylight Time)
Event by
Metropolis Ballroom, South Vail Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL, USA


This unique Roadshow provides not just an opportunity to take the Canary Bootcamp on Monday, but also provides a full showcase of IIoT solutions from Canary technology partners.

The goal is simple, in three days, learn as much as you can about some of the industry's top IIoT solutions, and participate in a project build out, from edge to cloud.

I was connected not just to people at Canary but a network of people and businesses that can help move my company into Industry 4.0. I have a better knowledge of what this looks like than most of colleagues now thanks to a multi-day, content packed, well organized event.

-Lucas Snyder, Jeld-Wen

This event is designed for new users, experienced admins, or companies currently evaluating new solutions.  You will not only learn everything you need to be successful with Canary, but will also learn about exciting new technologies.  Don't miss out!


A one day, hands-on training experience that will teach you everything you need to know to be successful with a basic Canary solution.  Each class member will receive their own Canary demo license, log data via MQTT and OPC UA, create asset models, configure calculated tags, build Axiom applications, and publish data out of Canary using MQTT.

Watch and participate as some of the industry's top solutions work together to build out an entire solution, from edge to cloud, and back.  Tuesday is a hands-on experience, providing you demos of the latest tech, working together, to actually solve a problem!


Wednesday, Tatsoft will host an all-day learning experience regarding Frameworx and system connectivity.  This is your chance to dive deep into the Tatsoft technology stack, build solutions, and ask questions.



Location - The Metropolis Ballroom, Arlington Heights IL

Cost - $49 (includes lunch for all three days)

9:00 AM - Kickoff and Overview

10:00 AM - Canary Bootcamp: Data Logging

11:00 AM - Canary Bootcamp: Historian

12:00 PM - Lunch provided

1:00 PM - Canary Bootcamp: Virtual Views

2:00 PM - Canary Bootcamp: Calculations

3:00 PM - Canary Bootcamp: Axiom

5:00 PM - Wrap Up

9:00 AM - Digital Transformation Keynote, Walker Reynolds w/ 4.0 Solutions

10:00 AM - Solution Buildout Phase 1: Opto 22, Tosibox, and HiveMQ

12:00 PM - Lunch provided

1:00 PM - Solution Buildout Phase 2: HiveMQ, Tatsoft, and Canary

3:00 PM - Solution Buildout Phase 3: INS3 back to Edge

5:00 PM - Mixer sponsored by TBD

9:00 AM - Tatsoft Advanced Applications - Schedule TBD

5:00 PM - End of Program

2 replies

    • rgreeley
    • 3 yrs agoWed, August 11, 2021 at 3:01 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

    How many attendees are you planning for the event in Chicago?  My company is interested in knowing before sending me to the event.

      • Helping you release your data rockstar!
      • Jeff_Knepper
      • 3 yrs agoWed, August 11, 2021 at 4:30 PM UTC
      • Reported - view

      rgreeley For this Roadshow, we have room for up to 150 attendees.  We expect to hit that number and will likely have to close registration in the next two weeks.

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