Redundant Historian Architecture

What is the best solution for connecting a redundant pair of Ignition Gateways to two redundant Canary Historians?  Should we just log historical data to both historians all the time or is there a better way to set this up?

5 replies

    • Helping you release your data rockstar!
    • Jeff_Knepper
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Official response
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    Kris, I believe this diagram matches what you are describing.

    You would essentially duplicate your data logging configuration on each Ignition Gateway, exact same tag names logging to the exact same DataSets.  When the primary gateway is unavailable, the second cold-standby gateway would begin logging the same tag names to the same DataSets as the primary.  

    • kgrindstaff
    • 3 yrs ago
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    If we are using a Warm standby system would it require a different architecture?

      • Helping you release your data rockstar!
      • Jeff_Knepper
      • 3 yrs ago
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      kgrindstaff Same architecture regardless of warm or cold standby.  Basically, our Sender will push whatever data is available to it on change.  If two sources are feeding data simultaneously (warm) to two separate Senders, both Senders push the data in real time to the same Receiver/Historian, but only the first unique tag/timestamp combo is recorded ('first in wins').

    • lucas_cunha
    • 2 mths ago
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    In this case, where the idea of having two Historians is to have a redundant system, where should the Identity service lie on? Should each Historian have its own identity service, or should it be a single one outside of the pair?

      • smason
      • 2 mths ago
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      If wanting to achieve a fully redundant architecture, you would need to run two Identity services. These could be installed each on a Historian server or on their own separate VMs, but they would need to run behind a load balancer. Both Identity services would then need to be configured to store their information in a MSSQL instance. This is the architecture we have set up in our testing environment. If you only have one Identity service, that is a single point of failure. See https://helpcenter.canarylabs.com/t/g9ymh6z/identity-architectures-version-24#redundancy.

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  • 2 mths agoLast active
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