Value Box Limit Comparison to another tag should allow for range (e.g. actual within +/- 5 of set point)

We have 2 tags: Speed Actual and Speed Set Point. We have a value box on an Axiom Application showing the speed. It would be nice if we could use the existing limit options to make that box green or red based on actual speed - set point being < or > 5. Seems the way it is now, while we can compare to another tag it is only >, <, =, etc.... and doesn't allow for a range. 

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  • Hi James Wise

    Thanks for the suggestion. I think the only way to do this now would be to create a calc tag for the upper and lower limit. Then you would create 2 limits on the value box using the calculated tags.

    • Steve Mason Thank you! For now the way we did it by using an add hoc calculation and limits on that like this:


      Which gives us:

      Whereas we would have preferred this I think: 

      I think the calculated tag idea would work but I think that would mean adding calculations requiring a bit of extra setup (that users making these dashboards might not normally know how to do) and also use extra tag licenses and so forth. I think we are okay for now but perhaps this is something that could be improved upon in the future

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  • 3 mths agoLast active
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