Axiom Tab Auto Navigate

Good Day All,

I have an Axiom application with multiple tabs.  Is there any way for a script to run that cycles through displaying each tab at a constant rate? Display tab1, wait 20 seconds, display tab2, wait 20 seconds, and so on.  It would just repeat this continuously.  I have a static display that is not interactive but want to showcase multiple tabs.  Any help would be much appreciated. 



2 replies

    • Digital Marketing Coordinator
    • garrett
    • 4 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hey Timothy, 

    I'm guessing by tab you mean Screen? If so I have a solution. 

    To have this work correctly, the script will need to be applied on every tab. 

    using AxiomCore2.Client;
    using AxiomCore2.ControlProperties;
    using AxiomCore2.Controls;
    using AxiomCore2.Data;
    using AxiomCore2.Events;
    using AxiomCore2.Legacy;
    using AxiomCore2.Log;
    using AxiomCore2.Managers;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Drawing;
    namespace AxiomScript
      public partial class ScreenScript : IDisposable
        private EventTimer _timer = null;
        private int _initialTime = Convert.ToInt32(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(19).TotalMilliseconds); // Time to wait before first trigger (1 second)
        private int _interval = Convert.ToInt32(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).TotalMilliseconds); // Interval for repeating action (5 seconds)
        // Axiom references
        public ControlApplication Application { get; } = ControlApplication.Instance;
        public ControlFactoryManager ControlFactory { get; } = ControlFactoryManager.Instance;
        public IDataProvider DataProvider { get; } = DataProviderManager.CreateInstance();
        public ILog Log { get; } = ClientLog.UserScript;
        public NavigationManager Navigation { get; } = NavigationManager.Instance;
        public ControlScreen Screen => _screen;
        public void OnScreenVisible()
          if (_timer == null)
            // Initialize the timer to switch screens after an initial delay and every interval
            _timer = new EventTimer(
              callback: TimerCallback,
              dueTime: _initialTime,
              period: _interval);
            // Reset the timer if it already exists
            _timer.Change(dueTime: _initialTime, period: _interval);
        public void OnScreenInvisible()
          if (_timer != null)
            // Pause the timer when the screen is invisible
            _timer.Change(dueTime: EventTimer.Infinite, period: EventTimer.Infinite);
        public void Dispose()
          // Dispose of the timer if needed
        private void TimerCallback(EventTimer timer, object userData)
          // Switch screens every interval
        public void SwitchToNextScreen()
          int currentScreenIndex = Application.Screens.IndexOf(Application.CurrentScreen);
          int nextScreenIndex = currentScreenIndex + 1;
          if (nextScreenIndex >= Application.Screens.Count())
            nextScreenIndex = 0;
          ControlScreen nextScreen = Application.Screens[nextScreenIndex] as ControlScreen;
          Application.CurrentScreen = nextScreen;

    Let me know if this works !

      • timothy_vertin
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Hey Garrett,

      Thank you for the reply bud.  Worked out great, my application is now cycling through the screens as intended.  Really appreciate it.


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