Sunsetting Services

Starting in version 24, the following applications will no longer be included or compatible with the rest of the Canary suite:

  • Mirror
  • HDA Server
  • Trend Link

If wishing to use these services, customers may stay on v23 or earlier.

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  • Hi Steve , is there a reason why the Mirror feature is going away? 

    • Tebello Masedi 

      Much of the functionality of the Mirror service can be replaced by either dual-logging to multiple historians or by using a proxy configuration that can forward the data along to another historian. It is our recommendation to use one of these practices rather than the Mirror. Also, mirroring data does not allow the user to utilize the Calcs & Events service given the nature of how the Mirror works.

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    • Steve Mason Thanks👍

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  • 1 yr agoLast active
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