matheus. zanetti
Create features like search and/or sorting on Automated Reports Viewer
When having multiple scheduled reports on the same user, with charts and applications, as time goes by and with different sources, the Viewer of the reports gets messy with all the different reports,…
Display statistics for calculated trends on charts
Consider developing into the Statistics menu the option to get info on calculated trends as well, even if the data becomes interpolated and inferred when you mix two or more trends with different…
Add the option to hide or collapse a Panel control
The ability to hide a panel control or collapse it would empower Axiom to be possible to build more correlation driven trees for indicators. It would also benefit to create in a single screen…
Add a possibility to build calculation on Spark Chart Control
It would be nice to be able to set up a calculation to be displayed into a Spark Chart, just like it's possible with the source selector on other controls such as the Value Box,…
Add radar/spider charts as controls in axiom applications
It would be nice to have a radar/spider chart to show if live data is running on optimal parameters. The control would take tags as input, and increase the plot polygon accordingly.…