Bindable Trend Chart
I have saved trend charts for 30 presses. These trend charts are the exact same, but I have to create a new one essentially from scratch each time. While a tool to duplicate a trend chart would be…
Donut Gauge Color Change
There is the ability to drive a colored limit bar within the donut gauge based on static or tag values, but it would be nice to drive the color based on static or tag values.…
Spark Chart Duration Label
It would be nice to have a label that can be enabled/disabled that can show the duration for the spark chart component. For instance, if it's set to a 1 hour duration,…
timeduration Issue When Passed Via URL
When passing a timemode into an Axiom chart URL, the time duration starts from the earliest point of the tag data, rather than from current, when a timeend is not also passed in.…
Event Start Time for Different Time Zones
When using event email notifications, or even just events for that matter, the Event Start Time property uses the server time and can't be adjusted. This becomes an issue when the server time may not…
Boot Camp OPC Connection Issue
Tried starting the Boot Camp exercise today. License good, install good, but getting an error saying "Oops, an error occurred while browsing nodes on the opc server host: opc.tcp://datagen.canarylabs.…